Mt. Pleasant, SC. USA +1-843-509-9415

About KRC

Company profile

KRyanCreative, LLC (KRC) is a South Carolina based, service-disabled, veteran owned small business (SDVOSB). The company is pre-revenue stage and in pursuit of patentable Intellectual Property. KRC advances solutions to society’s most pressing problems with research and products that are transformational, consequential, and impactful, (“Technology Development for Societal Impact!”). The company competes for federal grants in two technology domains: advanced vertical lift propulsion and behavioral health analytics. KRC is a current recipient of its fourth South Carolina EPSCoR/IDeA grant for SBIR Phase 0 research and is partnering with major universities and entrepreneurial companies to change the world for the better.

Company Founder and Chief Creative Officer

Ken Ryan, Captain, U.S. Navy (Retired)